Photos of People by life Photographer Eli Vega
The Banjo Lesson
Fisherman at Sunset
Men In Gray
Fishing on White Rock Lake, Dallas
Ramiro In Fort Worth Stockyards
Two Dancers Entering The Stage
Urban Sole
Artist at Work
Contortionist Juggling
Vince & His Trumpet

Images Property of © EliVega
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When it comes to photographing people, I am not a portrait photographer. I like people with unique personas, histories, character, or stories. My preference is candids of people in natural settings, enjoying what they're doing--just being themselves. I do not photograph hair styles, make-ups, reputations, or red carpet appeal. I photograph people in life. My photographs of people beg questions like, 
"Who is he? What is he doing? Where is she going? Why is she there?"  What are your questions as you see these photos?