A Sampling of unclassified images by life Photographer Eli Vega

Stone Bridge In Fall
Zurich Cathedral & Reflections
The Matterhorn at Sunrise
Ranch and Wilson Peak
Brooklyn Meets Kansas
Solar Eclipse Composite
Pegasus In Flight
Crystal Mill
Funken Sound
Motor Court
The Ohio Club
Winter Ranching
T.R. Pugh Mill
Carriage In The Fall
Ghost Town
Fish Creek Falls
Historic Downtown
V E G A P H O T O A R T @ G M A I L . C O M 
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P H O T O   A R T I S T 
Images Property of © EliVega
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This category is a cross-section of images that do not fit neatly into my other categories. However, regardless of the category names 
attached to my images, my bottom line is always the same: create art with my photographic tools, starting with my imagination. For example, when photographing "Imressionistic Downtown," I was inside my car during a heavy rain.   
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